Tuesday, March 30, 2010

It's Spring and finally an update

I couldn't be worse at blogging if I tried. I am so behind on jotting down my thoughts and the only reason I got on here tonight is that Mike decided to start a blog, which has prompted me to update mine.
He asked if I minded him starting a blog for all those trapped musings in his head and I told him one thing. ``Don't write anything you would be ashamed for Riley to read one day.'' We shall see how this pans out.
So I last posted in November. Well not much has happened. Just kidding. In fact looking back over the other posts, that baby doesn't even look like the little munchkin we currently have living with us.
She is really growing and learning so much every day. Mike and I are so spoiled by how good she is and what a wonderful child she is right now. Erin is (jokingly, I think, I hope) wishing for her to be a terror of a teenager as she is so good. We work out of the house a couple days a week and she just sits with us, watching everything we do, playing on her gym and with her toys. She really loves staring at Erin though more than anything else.
Lately she has been going to sleep and then waking up an hour later for more food. Sometimes she takes 14 oz. in a 2 hour period. For perspective she typically drinks 8 oz. every 4 hours during the day so it has really been throwing us for a loop. She is a really good sleeper usually but the last couple weeks she has been staying up much later. Thankfully she is still sleeping through the night. However, Mike and I were so used to her routine we started questioning everything. Is she OK? Are we doing something wrong? Is she napping too much in the day? (Answer: No. She isn't a big napper.) Finally we came to the realization that she is just growing and maturing and things are going to throw us off what we have become accustomed to and to not let it shake us.
We had a couple big snow storms this winter, which was actually really fun to be snowed in as a family. Riley got to see snow for the first time. It was pretty funny. I wrapped her up in her bunting and she was so snug in her hat and sweater that as soon as we stepped outside she fell asleep. So Riley's first outside snow experience was sleeping through the biggest storm we've had, at least since I have been here.
Christmas was interesting. We spent Christmas Eve at my mom's. Mike read Night Before Christmas. It was a tradition in his house growing up so we picked that one up. We exchanged Christmas Pajamas and Ornaments (traditions I picked up along the way) and called it a night.
Christmas Day was eventful. My stepfather got ill. Now that in itself sucks but when you add to it that he is probably the best chef I know, Christmas dinner started to look in jeopardy. Thankfully the family banded together and made a great feast. Turns out he didn't have the flu, as we initially thought, but he had to eventually have his gallbladder removed. He is on the slow road to recovery though, thankfully.
Mike's football season started a couple weeks ago. I had shirts made for all the Borough Babies. There are currently 3 and half of them as Ryan and Heather didn't waste any time making a playmate for the Parkermeister, who incidentally is Riley's little buddy. Oh, and in a sign of potentially things to come, Parker got in Riley's face, screeched like a dinosaur and made her cry the other day. I told her it's not the last time a boy is going to make her cry in life :)
Back to football. So Riley and Parker had their first park play date and it was great. Parker is getting so big, sitting up on his own and trying to stand.
Riley is nearly sitting up now. I am not into freaking out about her hitting milestones. It isn't a time thing for us. It's an excitement thing. I mean I never met an adult who couldn't sit up, use the bathroom or count to 10. Yes, I WANT her to hit milestones early, who wouldn't? But it isn't really that important when, just that she does.
Alright, now I think we are up to date for the most part. I could promise to update this more frequently but my prediction is not too favorable:)